Is this still coming? It's been 2+ years since the indiegogo campaign claimed we'd have access to the underlying system.

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Flic Hub SDK
Latest posts made by tonsit
RE: Hacking the flic hub
Oh, forgot I made this post... almost 2 years ago. Oh well. Guess I'll get the same lame non-answers as before. for reference in case I forget again.
Flic Hub SDK
Is this still coming? It's been 2+ years since the indiegogo campaign claimed we'd have access to the underlying system.
RE: Flic & Noonlight
I see that you are referencing the sandbox in the link, so this may not be so critical to you, however you provided the bearer token used as authorization for the endpoint in your message.I would recommend you change this bearer token if it is not automatically generated/rotated on a regular basis. This token should be treated the same as a username/password.
RE: 1st Generation Hub with IR blaster
They've already got your money, I wouldn't expect them to follow through with their promises.
I'm also still waiting for the ability to 'hack my hub' as stated in the indiegogo campaign. I think there's posts from earlier this year that say a hub SDK is coming in Q1, with an update in Q1 saying it'll be delayed again. Even if it materializes, it wouldn't surprise me if the Gen 1 wasn't supported or the IR blaster is ignored.
RE: Hacking the flic hub
When trying to reply, even the forum knows my post was old! It asked me if I wanted to make a new topic. Sad that I'm still waiting for this feature.
What is going on with this?
Now you guys are launching new products without ever fulfilling promises on the original hub. Should I throw my original hub away and give you even more money to get the features you promised? That's not very likely. In fact, I'm probably never going to buy another flic product again.
This was a major feature to me, it was the primary reason I supported the flic hub. Talk about disappointing.
Hacking the flic hub
Is there a walkthrough or readme on how to access the underlying linux system on the flic hub?
From the indiegogo campaign:
"If you know what you’re doing, you’ll recognize the structure of the Flic Hub. It’s basically an advanced Linux computer, much like a better-looking Raspberry Pi, with a two separate Bluetooth controllers (yep, two) for increased stability, excellent connectivity features and brilliant design. And yes, you can hack it as you please."The only reason I bought this was because it was marketed as customizable, but so far I am stumped.
nmap shows it registers itself as flic.lan, but the only open port is 53 (typically for DNS).