Hi, If the buttons are failing, you most likely have a bad battery that needs replacement.
For the LED colors, this is what they mean when clicked:

2x red pulse (No Pairing exists): The button is brand new and has not been connected to anything 2x yellow pulse (Pairing exists): The button is trying to connect to a previously paired device 1x green blink (Button even has been delivered): All is good and action successful 1x green blink, 2x red blink (Button event has been delivered but the battery is running low): All is good but will soon need new battery 3x red blinks (Button booted): If this happens when the button pressed, it could be a low battery or glitchy battery connection. Make sure to insert a healthy battery and make sure it has good contact with the pads

As for black buttons, unfortunately, no longer sell or produce them. There are no know plans of bringing them back. We'd have to and see what happens in the near future.

If you have further questions, kindly contact our support at support@flic.io.