Flic Button LED control
Is there a way to make a button turn on some or all of its color leds from a javascript code? I couldn't see any properties related to that - and from what I read "color" does not seem to be related to that either.
I wrote a short code with the SDK to mute/unmute ceiling shure mics on a video conference hall (via TCP commands), and it works great - but because of privacy issues, room users want to see the mic mute status somehow, and I wondered if there is a way to use the buttons leds for that.
Since battery life would be shortened showing always a led, ideally only muted state should be shown with the red led), if possible - unmuted state would briefly flash green and turn off.
So that's my inquiry - if it is possible to force a particular led on a button (or all of them) in a given state somehow. This could obviously lead to lots of other feedback aplications, I suppose.
@Laura said in Flic Button LED control:
Hi @igor-comba,
Thanks for contacting us!
Please note that we are currently testing out this functionality with some select customers, but we will later release it to the public.
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
The Flic Team
Hello Laura,
It has been a few months, do we have any ETA on controlling the LED color states either from the app or preferably from the Hub SDK using javascript. This would make the buttons much more useful as they would be able to indicate if the actual busniess case / call succeeded and not simply a connection to the Hub. Please do let us know if this is planned and can be tested even if in a limited closed alpha. we would like to give it a try. - 27 days earlier
@Laura hello, has this feature been released yet? I would love to be able to send feedback to the button while running scripts on the Hub SDK.
- 10 months earlier
@Laura any ETA on when this feature will be available for all customers? If it's not ready yet, how we can apply to the private "beta"? Thanks
- 4 months earlier
Hi @igor-comba,
Thanks for contacting us!
Please note that we are currently testing out this functionality with some select customers, but we will later release it to the public.
I hope this helps!
Best regards,
The Flic Team