Hello hello,
I have had flics since the kickstarter and I am loving the flic hub. Now I got exited about the flic2 universal hid keyboard since I can finally automate my PC 
I just received my flic2 and started playing around with the universal hid keyboard functionality. My goal was to 1. focus on a zoom meeting window and toggle the mute button. I got quite far but got blocked by what I believe are flaws on how the app allows me to configure what keys to press and how long.
This is my solution so far but it falls short because I cannot configure the keyboard presses like I would like to.
Step 1 focus on the zoom application "stack of windows".
- Pin the zoom app on the task bar. I chose to put it first and this allows me to focus on it by pressing [win] + [1] keys.
This part works! But since the first window in this stack is always the zoom app and not the actual call I cannot mute it yet.
Step 2 focus on the actual zoom call window.
In normal keyboard I could keep pressing [win] key and press [1] once again to focus on the call window. BUT I could not find a way to keep one key down while pressing other keys. For example [win] + multiple [1]s (or tabs)
There is also an keyboard shortcut in zoom [shift] + [cntrl] + [alt] that would do the same BUT in Flic I cannot do this since I have to add one more key to this sequence (by default its [a]).
So this is the part where I got stuck!
Step 3 toggle the mute microphone button.
- This is easy by simply pressing [alt] + [a]
So in conclusion I personally would need either a way to only send [shift] + [cntrl] + [alt] buttons OR more universally keep pressing one button until a sequence is ended/ timer says so / until its released by other flic routine.