@mark4jets thank you for your answer.
I have seen your link but like you, i'm not a developer.
I just need to unlock an easy action to launch the action "shoot a photo" in any app that permit to take a photo with volume button for example.
I know that there is a way to do it but i don't know which is the best one without write code.
I make an example, Flic app permits to read a sentence and my native camera app permits to shoot a photo with a voice command. So now, i have create the action to say "capture". So i open my camera app, i set every parameters and next with flic button i shoot the photo reading the sentence "capture".
It's absolutely an ugly way to take a photo ahahah that's why i would like to improve this function.
I think that simulate physical buttons could solve this problem in a better way.

Or maybe these solutions



Or similar to this one

I mean, an intent with this action
it works

This one
Doesn't work

What do you think?