@Emil So it is better to get the mini which has matter support as well?

Latest posts made by undead9786
RE: iPad as a hub
RE: iPad as a hub
@Emil I know I can get the hub but an iPad is a home hub so why can't it work better and have homekit integration so it can be fully functional?
Also why is the home mini not homekit capable? -
iPad as a hub
Currently I use my iPad as the hub for flic2 buttons. Is there a reason why the buttons can't use homekit to turn on the lights on and off? I find the current method very lack luster due to either the buttons being slow to respond or takes multiple presses to respond. I just swapped out the battery which improved it but nothing crazy. Also is there a reason as to why there is no battery information provided? Such as everytime a button is pressed to provide a percentage left or something and on a press if less then a certain percentage to provide a warning on low battery? It is really not good to have low battery as a led light up on the button itself as it defeats the purpose of it being a physical button since the button is there so we can not look at it.