10 Jun 2020, 15:36

@ddcaruso7 Don't worry about flooding with questions.

  • First, start by verifying that the Flic Hub is connected to the same network. Go into the settings view of the Flic app while connected to a hub and see what IP you have. The first 3 numbers should match your Mac's IP. You can also try the "TEST INTERNET ACCESS" button. Also, try to execute the action manually from within the app (by pressing the three-dot-icon next to the action). This is to rule out if there are any troubles with the connection between the Flics and the Hub. After doing this, if still not working, check in the terminal window on the mac to see if the program has output any error messages.

  • Regarding the IP, you are correct that it can change, and it would be an issue in that case. I forgot to mention it, because usually the router will give the same address to the same computer, but it is possible that your router to re-use addresses for other devices.

    Anyhow, to solve this, you can set a Static (permanent) IP in your mac settings. You can have a look at this guide: https://www.linksys.com/my/support-article?articleNum=142254 . Only change the IPv4 address field and the first 3 numbers must match the old address. So if you had, you can set it manually to, for example, Use a last number in the range of 10-250.

  • The server program I created does not support https. It could be updated to support it, but that I can't help you with right now.

Hope it helps 🙂
