12 Aug 2020, 11:58

I am developing a UNITY3D game for Android and I am using this C# unity3D plugin:

(Cannot reference it as URL due to akismet flagging it as spam)
I have successfully connected to the button, and subscribed to characteristic 00420002-8f59-4420-870d-84f3b617e493 (I am using a Flic2 button).
However, no data ever gets transmitted to me, in the notify loop.
I am debugging this in NRF connect, and under the characteristic, the button actions do not get updated as well.
The flic button is working fine under the flic2 android sample, but how do I get notified in a more standard BLE way, instead of using the Flic2 app/framework (which I do not have access to under Unity3D).

I know I could write an android library which I might be inclined to do, but I am just sure there is an easier way, as the connection and all is already properly set up.

NRF screenshot:
link text

Full code linked:
(Feel free to use it for your own purposes if you want to)

Can anyone see any issues here?
Why do I not get notified?

All the best