Play Spotify Playlist on Android
Hi guys,
No, you're right that it's not a good sign. We've really tried to fix the Start playlist function but it seems like it's impossible to do in the current Spotify app using intents (which is the way we communicate with the app). Hopefully we will be able to do this in the future, but unfortunately we can't promise anything.
@anton Hey flic Team, it's been 2 months now, can you give us some updates about the spotify issue ? Seems like you even removes the playlist playback feature, that's not a good sign I guess..
This post is deleted! - 2 months earlier
I'm using flic in the car. I use to listen to music through the spotify. In double click set up a playlist and hold another playlist.
It happens that the ideal was that when, for example, that a double click, already initiated playlist playing. But it's not what happens. Then I'll have to pick up the phone to give play in the playlist, reducing the flic functionality. I think it would be a good improvement to the choose the playlist, she has executed automatically. -
@anton Hey Anton, do you have any news about the bug ? Is you developer back ?
- 25 days earlier
Same problem. When this works this will make my audio system great. Right now I can see it selects the correct play list, but doesn't play it. If I toggle play it will just play whatever is currently playing, not the new selected playlist. Thanks.
@anton Thanks, sounds great. Looking forward to being able to use it for my playlists
- 7 days earlier
@f.ganninger We have found out what the issue is and hopefully we can fix it soon. Our Android developer responsible for the actions is unfortunately on vacation at the moment so it might be a few weeks before you hear anything regarding this. But I just want to ensure you that it is a high priority for us as well
@anton Thanks a lot , I can do testing too. I'm so looking forward to use it with my playlists
Yep. Get this fixed, please!
@anton Many thanks, hopefully it won't take long to resolve, I remain available to do any testing if that helps.
@f.ganninger We are looking at it.
Please fix this problem, it's a pain that it won't start the playlist ..
- about a month earlier
I have the same problem. Anyone that has a solution. This is what the demo video showed was possible, start a playlist and skip forward with doubleclick.Thanks