@giannis-yt I would guess at the moment the Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless is one of the cheapest options.
Flic for pi3..
@aconrad2 Hi. You can use Flic Single just like any other Flic with the Linux SDK.
- 10 days earlier
Hi everybody,
I'm a new user of Flic buttons.
I'm using a Rapsberry PI 3 with internal bluetooth controler for other bluetooth items (Xiaomi Mi Flora) and a dedicated USB Bluetooth controler for the Flic service, and a Node-Red flow. It works fine for my only one button
I'd like to use some other buttons but... do you know if the Single Flic can be use with the Linux SDK ? Can the action be selected as I want with the Node-Red flow like a standard Flic Button.
If I correctly understand the Single Flic button have only "Single Clic" event, not "Double clic" and hold on event.
Thanks for you answer,
Have a good day. - 27 days earlier
Hi All,
Is there any updates on this project?
- 3 months earlier
Same as @alex, I am curious as to what state the flic - rpi environment is in today.
Is it easy to set up, or easy to work with using linux bluetooth api or abstractions of it through Python or similar? Is it possible at all without being online?
Coding skills is not an issue.Thanks!
- 3 months earlier
Hi there,
Is there any update on the ability to connect flics to a raspberry pi.
it would open up a world of options for home automation.
hopefully with some good step-by-step guides for us with limited code skillsThanks
- 5 months earlier
@Anshur said in Flic for pi3..:
@Emil Hi,
I've been trying to make some sort of flic-to-LIFX bridge on my RPi 3, but my very basic coding skills seem to be insufficient.....
So I was wondering if you were planning on porting a more beginner friendly flic app to Linux at any point in the future ?
Thanks in any case.
Yes, in fact we are currently working on a stand-alone application for linux where a lot of the functionality will be ported over from the mobile apps (LIFX included). I can not comment on a release date yet, but it is definitely a priority for us, so expect some news about it in the (not to distance) future
@Emil Hi,
I've been trying to make some sort of flic-to-LIFX bridge on my RPi 3, but my very basic coding skills seem to be insufficient.....
So I was wondering if you were planning on porting a more beginner friendly flic app to Linux at any point in the future ?
Thanks in any case.
- about a month earlier
We have just released a new Linux SDK that should work great on RPi 3!
Check it out at https://github.com/50ButtonsEach/fliclib-linux-hci - 21 days earlier
I would love if anybody would create a step by step tutorial for setting up flic on a raspberry pi 3.
I'm not much of a coder, but I did purchase de RP3 in roder to turn it into a flic HUB for my LIFX (as the iOS app seems to have trouble reconnecting without relaunching the app after being away).
Anyway, keep up the good work : )
I am the developer of the Linux SDK so I'll keep a look in this thread at regular intervals.
A quick status update: Since I released the SDK in January I have not had nearly as much time as I expected to work with the SDK. I am thus very grateful that developers continue to report bugs and beta test the library. Instead we have been working with some very exciting improvements of Flic, some of which was released yesterday (The 2.0 release). As soon as this is also completed on Android I'll have more time to work with the SDK. Hopefully the new improvements will also be available on Linux.
Regarding your request: we do indeed aim to make RPi3 the main platform. I recently tested it with the latest release and was able to connect 10 buttons without failure for several days. It's a good idea to try and lower the entry level even more, maybe by providing a installation script for Raspbian.
Cheers, Fabian