Reading battery life
Hey I couldnt find any related posts about this, but is it possible to get the current battery life/status from a flic button?
Any news?
@emil Just seconding this request - some Android phone do show up the battery life of the Flic button, but it doesn't seem to be consistent and it doesn't show up on iOS. Especially for larger scale projects, this is essential to ensure that flic batteries can be updated prior to failing. Thank you!
@emil I support this request. For my purposes a warning that the battery is getting low is really important. Please, please shorten your pipeline!
We have this in the pipeline but it's not available yet unfortunately.
I'm developing an Android app as well and I'd like to trigger an action if I detect Flic battery is low. Is there any intent we can monitor?
Hi Emil, I don't know what platform mrwhale is using, but I would be interested in this for the linux platform. It would be good for the OpenHab binding that Patrick Fink is working on to be able to track battery life on the flic buttons and report when the battery needs changing, similar to other IoT devices.
Brian -
Hi. What platform are you referring to?