@Emil Yeah, that's what I figured from the sounds, The active mode surely have lower latency but playing a flappy-incarnation with that delay was... special Where can you active this mode for other applications? Via the SDK or settings in the applications? I looked around and did not find anything...
I want to measure reaction times with my application and I think that the Flic buttons are not fully suitable for this purpose due to the input latency, however they could be if the latency is constant and do you have any public datasheet with these kind of specifications for the buttons?
I'm not an expert on the Android system so I don't really know what would be the best approach in this case, however I do know from my experiments the last couple of days that as you use the SDK today is not compatible with Unity based applications for Android.
In an Unity based application the flow is as described below:
The main Unity Activity is fetch in a C# java object wrapper. The C# code then instantiates a Java holder class with the main activity passed as a parameter. The C# code then calls a method of the newly created Java object to start a new Activity (which hold the code for grabbing the buttons). The activity is created, then from the C# code the started activity is fetched into a Java wrapper object. Then C# code calls the initiation of the buttons as explained in the "Tutorial". The Flic Grabber screen is shown and I can choose which Flic I would like to grab. So far, so good.
Then when the grabber thinks it is done it is closed, but since I cannot make the Unity main activity have the onActivityResult method the result from the Flic grabber is not processed correctly (I think) when the onActivityResult method is implemented in the Java activity i instantiated.
Do this make any sense to you or do I need to explain more?
I'm glad you are taking your time to look into this! Have a nice day,
I've read up on broadcast receivers and stuff and it seems to be a possible solution for Unity applications.