Suddenly after a 2 month period of satisfiing functionality, all my bottom stoppede working. I have made a total factory reset ( pressing the reset bottom for 20s) What to do? Android, Redmi Note 11 Pro phone. Help help...
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Suddenly after a 2 month period of satisfiing functionality, all my bottom stoppede working. I have made a total factory reset ( pressing the reset bottom for 20s) What to do? Android, Redmi Note 11 Pro phone. Help help...
@dgnhans Do you have any other issues except that the name got lost?
@Emil Are you there Emil?
At my app all my bottoms have lost their costumiced names but they still react in the app when I press the bottom. -
My flic bottums are connected to a Flic hub LR. The bottoms lights green pressing them. The app says it's connected to the hub. -
@dgnhans please clarify "not working". Do you have a Flic hub the buttons are connected to? What colour does the button's LED show when you press it? Is it the button that cannot be connected to the app anymore or is it a specific action that is not working? Do you get any error message? Etc...