31 Oct 2023, 20:00
I'd like to be able to control my SOMA Smart Shades (https://www.somasmarthome.com/) with the Flic Twist. Will this be supported eventually ?
I'd like to be able to control my SOMA Smart Shades (https://www.somasmarthome.com/) with the Flic Twist. Will this be supported eventually ?
@Emil that is great news! Glad to hear it.
BTW, I received my order yesterday and I must say I'm impressed by the build quality. You guys really did a great job. Can't wait to have it all properly setup.
@protagonyst Yes! They write on their website that they will support Matter soon. When both they and we are done with Matter implementation, we will be able to control their shades (using a flic hub between between the twist and the shades).