button name
I am using a flic button to control the surround status of my sonos spreaker using sdk. Worked fine for years. I am now noticing that the button name I want to give is (sdk://sonos?ip=<ip-address-of-soundbar>) suddenly too long. The app only allows me 23 characters.
Ive noticed the other flic buttons on the hub have the same limitation.
Is this new? Can I fix this?
Thanks for the help.
The button name is stored on the button itself, so that you can see the same name when you connect the button to another device or app.
As mentioned here: https://github.com/50ButtonsEach/flic2-documentation/wiki/Flic-2-Protocol-Specification#get-and-set-name, the name is maximum 23 bytes.
This has been the case for a few years. Before the name was only stored locally in the phone (or hub) and then this restriction was not in place.
I suggest you to use a shorter name, e.g. prefix it with "s:/" and then add the IP address of your soundbar.