My flic hub LR started acting up.
Yesterday, I tried a factory reset, to no avail. IN FACT, I could not get logged into it from my iPhone afterwards with the default password written on the back ( but it did lose its assigned name)
In troubleshooting, i discovered I could get into it, but only with the old manually assigned password, so it would SEEM that the factory reset, doesn't.
I did verify it has current firmware after the reset.
I can add NEW buttons to it, but I can't seem to read any old buttons from the previous build, even if I do a factory reset on the button and try adding it again.
Hen a new button IS added, and proxied to HomeKit, the assigned button name is disregarded, if comes in with the button ID code.
I suspect that some of the old parameters are not being cleared on the factory reset ( password, button assignment by mac layer, etc).
Serial HBACE28-29634
Any suggestions?