@rob-loosx This is an excellent idea, much more intuitive than "push and twist".
What is it?
Hub TCP server for using the IR module via HTTP.
Both to record of new signals with a given name and to play them back.
Using net since SDK doesn't have the nodejs HTTP-module available.Why?
I really wanted to be able to call my IR module from my phone homescreen or Google Home (via IFTTT). I got it working so I wanted to share it if anyone else find it helpful 🙂The code is what could be called a POC, so code feedback and/or changes are totally welcome.
How does it work?
Record a signal GET {ip}:1338?record={name_of_signal} Plays a signal GET {ip}:1338?cmd={name_of_signal} Cancel recording GET {ip}:1338?cancelRecord=trueExample;
call GET Press Volume Up on remote towards IR module returns 200 OK Signal volume_up stored! call GET returns 200 OK Signal sent! Volume goes up 🙂The code
{ "name": "IRTCP", "version": "1.0.0" }main.js
// main.js const net = require("net"); const ir = require("ir"); const datastore = require("datastore"); const utils = require("./utils"); const respondToClient = function(c, statusCode, message) { c.write( "HTTP/1.1 " + statusCode + "\r\n" + "\r\n" ); c.write(message); c.end(); } const handleCmd = function(c, cmd) { datastore.get(cmd, function(err, strBuffer) { if (!err && strBuffer) { var signal = new Uint32Array(utils.str2ab(strBuffer)); if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(signal)) { return respondToClient(c, "422 Unprocessable Entity", "Unknown signal"); } ir.play(signal, function(err) { if (!err) { return respondToClient(c, "200 OK", "Signal sent"); } return respondToClient(c, "500 Internal Server Error", "Couldn't send signal"); }); } else { return respondToClient(c, "422 Unprocessable Entity", "Unknown cmd"); } }); } const handleRecord = function(c, name) { /* TODO: add a timeout for listening for complete */ ir.record(); console.log("recording signal..."); ir.on("recordComplete", function(signal) { datastore.put(name, utils.ab2str(signal.buffer), function(err) { if (!err) { console.log("Signal " + name + " stored!"); return respondToClient(c, "200 OK", "Signal " + name + " stored!"); } else { return respondToClient(c, "500 Internal Server Error", "Couldn't store signal"); } }); }); } var server = net.createServer(function(c) { console.log('server connected'); c.on('end', function() { console.log('server disconnected'); }); c.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data); var match = data.toString().match(/GET \/\?.[^ ]*/); if (!match) { return respondToClient(c, "403 Forbidden", "Forbidden method"); } var params = utils.parseParams(match[0].split("GET /?")[1]); if (params.cmd) { return handleCmd(c, params.cmd); } else if (params.record && params.record.length > 0) { return handleRecord(c, params.record); } else if (params.cancelRecord) { ir.cancelRecord(); console.log("recording canceled!"); return respondToClient(c, "200 OK", "Recording canceled!"); } else { return respondToClient(c, "403 Forbidden", "Forbidden params"); } }); }); server.listen(1338, function() { console.log('server bound', server.address().port); });utils.js
const ab2str = function(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf)); } const str2ab = function(str) { var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length*2); var bufView = new Uint16Array(buf); for (var i=0, strLen=str.length; i < strLen; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; } const parseParams = function (s) { var obj = {}; var arr = s.split("&"); var temp; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { temp = arr[i].split("="); obj[temp[0]] = temp[1]; } return obj; }; exports.ab2str = ab2str; exports.str2ab = str2ab; exports.parseParams = parseParams; -
Hi Community,
I'm trying to connect one of my Flic Buttons to an iPhone 5C (iOS 10.3.3) and Flic App v3.3.7.
The button lights red when pressed so it should be fine, but nothings detected (bluetooth is, of course activated on the device)It works great on my iPhone 6 (iOS 15) and Flic App v6.0.2.
Any idea ?
Philippe -
using samsung galaxy s7 managed to add original flic buttons to hub, and get IR transmitter working flic 2 buttons flash red twice and then nothing flic button is being recognized by my phone I believe as new devices show up on the bluetooth list when I click button, but somehow the app does not find them
When will the official Mac app support the Twist? Maybe you could update the app prior to supporting the Twist to inform customers that the app does not yet work with the Twist to save people the frustration of futilely attempting to pair their Twist with an app that does not yet support it. Maybe you could update your documentation anywhere about this.