@claudia Is this in the Flic Hub? I didn't see it as one of the Hub Actions available in the Flic app.
MQTT Integration
MQTT please!
- 21 days earlier
@steven Hi Steven, no it is not available in the Hub Actions in the Flic App. This is a module which can be used in the HubSDK with your Hub LR. Please check out this repo: https://github.com/50ButtonsEach/flic-hub-sdk-mqtt-js
And in case you are not familiar with the HubSDK, please check hubsdk.flic.io, https://hubsdk.flic.io/static/tutorial/ and https://hubsdk.flic.io/static/documentation/ -
@claudia Is this in the Flic Hub? I didn't see it as one of the Hub Actions available in the Flic app.
- 8 months earlier
Hi guys, please see the newest topic. https://community.flic.io/topic/18233/release-of-mqtt-client?_=1674825212929
We now provide an MQTT client - about a month earlier
@anton So is there any updates on this? MQTT to the Flic hub? Stopped recommended the Flic buttons to my friends just because you don't have a easy way to connect your buttons to home assistant. Have also a look at ESPhome and Bluetooth proxy and make your buttons work with that...
- 3 years earlier
Hi, where are you with this?
And, when you are going to do this can you please add amqp as well? - 4 months earlier
@anton Great! loooking very much forward to this!
- 18 days earlier
Thirded! MQTT support would be great - this can kind of be accomplished by using an HTTP to MQTT bridge, but native would be really helpful.
This is noted. Once we are done with all the features promised in the Hub LR campaign we will look into implementing additional features. So we will take a look at it then!
I second this! It would be useful for integrating into additional IoT systems (like the one I run at home - MQTT-based).
-- Steven