Flic Twist - not what I was hoping for
@Emil Update the SDK to expose the new Twist event handlers. This would allow the community to start building solutions. Seems like a lot of functionality for fairly low effort.
Native HomeAssistant integration would be my next priority. Focusing on the generalized API offered by HomeAssistant (i.e., device classes) would be a lot easier than trudging through the peculiarities of each manufacturer's platform. E.g. light brightness is just that, and the API exposed by HA abstracts away whether it's LIFX, IKEA, Nanoleaf, Hue, etc under the covers.
@Emil said in Flic Twist - not what I was hoping for:
If you have a priority list (order of importance for you), that would be even more helpful to help us prioritise.
Priority list
Spotify Connect Volume Control
Chromecast volume control
User customizable rotary encoder (like «internet request» only wiith a scalable/dimmable value/parameter)
IKEA Trådfri dimmer
Thanks for clearing that up, @Emil !
The Twist has just been released and even though what we have right now might seem quite limited at the launch date, it does not mean we won't stop develop more features for it.
When we released the Flic 1 button, the functionality was quite limited too. Only connectable to the phone, no SDK, no developer documentation, limited integrations, no support for 3rd party apps. Now on the other hand, the Flic button is generally the most preferred smart button on the market due to everything we implemented that was missing before.
That said, we are actively working on adding the features that our users request for the Twist, including your list of missing features, so stay tuned. If you have a priority list (order of importance for you), that would be even more helpful to help us prioritise.
@andreas-lorentsen - I've been using Flic since the very first release and they are great, go like 20 all over the place. I too, am disappointed.
The main feature I got these for was volume control of Chromecast but it doesn't do it, which means all I've got is dimming, which ok but not great. So I'm back to using buttons for up and down which is clunky.
I can press to turn up the volume on the tiwst, why can't we use the twist for volume.
If I'd known it was only going to work with Sonos, I probably would have waited for the next version.
@flic - When will it be updated to work with Chromecast?