@wugi no twist sdk has been released so far.
As of November 13, 2024, has the HubSDK for Flic Twist been released?
After searching through previous posts, I found mentions of a planned release for the Twist SDK.
As of November 13, 2024, has the HubSDK for Flic Twist been released?Upon reviewing the documentation at
I noticed information on modules such as Button, IR Sensor, HTTP, TCP, UDP, Network, and HubInfo, but nothing related to Twist.
Hence, I wanted to ask if the HubSDK for Flic Twist is indeed still unavailable. -
Maybe we need to create a kickstarter that pays for an extra “dedicated” staff member whose sole purpose is to solve this. I would pay money for that, if it meant i finally get to turn a massive button into something more. i am in no way a programmer, but i’m assuming that when a product is developed, wouldn’t its known features be made available in the sdk? especially when the “twist” feature is available for
philips hue to utilise and some other companies. So clearly there is a way to access the “twist” feature.I understand that matter would change the focus of the company, maybe even cause a complete redesign of the ecosystem. The main reason i supported the twist was because how rock solid the flic’s are. I don’t think i have come across another smart home product that just works like the flics do.
There is so much potential in opening up a product fully to the community that supports it financially. By doing so will literally make you more money. I know if i had the ability to use the twist, even at a basic level,
(like to know if its turned left or right) i would be happy as.. i dont want the world, i just want to finally use the twist to its full potential.At the moment the twist is an expensive over sized car with no steering wheel that you can’t drive. Oh, wait, i can turn the headlights on and off, but go nowhere…. money well spent.
i am sorry for sounding a tad passive aggressive to flic staff, but i’m just frustrated. There is clearly something more going on in the background that’s not being said.
- about a month earlier
This post is deleted! - 17 days earlier
@Emil Thank you for your response.
I really hope the Twist SDK is released as soon as possible. -
@wugi no twist sdk has been released so far.