Great idea! Submit a support ticket....

Posts made by jimspeiser
RE: Support ticket confirmation
RE: Simulating button pushes
@Emil (still made more sense the original way....)
Simulating button pushes
Hi, I have old-style Flics. When I first got them, the app had a way to simulate button pushes/button holds - I think you simply pushed the virtual button on the screen. That is no longer the case, pushing the virtual buttons brings up a Delete Flic? dialog.
I would like to know what the new way of simulating button presses for testing purposes - or has this functionality been completely eliminated for some inane reason?
RE: Alexa and IFTTT
I think it has something to do with the word "Trigger."
Has anyone had to deal with a warranty situation? I have a Flic that has lost all functionality, I need to return it for an exchange under warranty, but I cannot seem to get an answer from customer service as to how to start the process. Any suggestions?
RE: Using Flic for disabled and elderly people
Well, I dunno if you're still watching this space, but...
I have two Flics deployed for my semi-disabled wife. One is configured to page me from the bathroom, it's stuck on the wall next to the bathtub. The other is configured to page me from wherever she is, and it is clipped to her purse strap. Although she's not totally debilitated, I do worry about her slipping in the bathtub/shower. The one that's clipped to her purse, is mainly for her peace of mind.
In either case, it's easy to see why it's important that these things work with something approaching 100% reliability. So far, that's not been the case. So keep improving!
Washable Sticky? Not really...
I have a Flic that I use in my car. I live in Arizona, so it gets real hot in there, and I guess the sticky stuff doesn't tolerate it too well. I have tried washing it, but that doesn't seem to bring back the old, strong stick-ability. Does anyone have any helpful hints that might make it really sticky again?
Another question...what is a task?
I am guessing that a "task" is a single instruction or defined action that you can save? And perhaps re-load into another button? Nice convenience, but nowhere can I find it documented. That seems to be true of many features. I used to write documentation for a living, if you guys need a professional doc writer/editor to flesh out your literature, I'm available!
RE: Many, what is "standby"?
OK, no, I can't send a pic, but upon closer inspection, it looks as if the X is over a graphic representation of a Flic. This is consistent with your explanation. But...for example right now my Green Flic is showing as Standby, when it's sitting right here. I know that when I put distance between my Flic and my Smartphone, they disconnect, but do they not automatically reconnect when in the vicinity?
Duplicating Functionality
I have 4 flics. Three of them are configured for my wife's use, she is partially disabled and I want her to be able to get in touch with me easily. The fourth is in my vehicle.
Thus far, all are programmed on MY smartphone, which does her little good if I'm away from home, so I want the 3 to work from HER smartphone, which she always carries.
Do I understand correctly that I can copy the functions from my phone to hers? Is this done by installing the Flic app on her phone, having her log in as me, and then attaching the buttons to her BTLE? I say, only three are for her. The fourth is for me. I better off giving her a SEPARATE login, and then attaching the 3 buttons to her phone and reprogamming them?
Am I at least on the right track here?
Many, what is "standby"?
Sometimes the word "standby" appears on my button screen, with an x in a box. What does this mean?
Re: How To Get Flic To Interact with IFTTT
Ignore the instructions in the Flic app. They make no sense. The process is as follows:
FIRST, define an event in your HomeSeer.
SECOND, create an Applet in IFTTT:
For the IF, define a TAG that will be activated by the FLIC.
For the THEN, activate the HomeSeer event.
THIRD: Go into Flic, choose a button and a button press.
FOURTH: click the three-dot pulldown menu in the upper right and choose "PROVIDERS." Scroll down to IFTTT and select it. There, you will see your list of TAGS. Select the one corresponding to the event you created above.Flic programmers, feel free to use my text in future releases of your documentation.
How To Get Flic To Interact with IFTTT
Re: How to choose IFTTT recipe for Flic Button
Brand new to Flic, and not too smart with IFTTT, either. I want my Flic to trigger a Home Automation event through my HomeSeer. But apparently that is not currently a Flic provider. So I can go through IFTTT, right? Wrong. I have the applet all ready in IFTTT, and I have tied it to "White Flic clicked once." When I try it, nothing happens.
In the Flic, I press "Click" then "Tools" then "IFTTT." This takes me to...something, but I can't find where you actually tie in to your IFTTT applet. It lets you "Read More", but that says...
"To use it, simply make an account on, and find the Flic user." What Flic user? I'M the Flic user! "...tell the user what Flics to listen for." Where???
Then you can "include location", that's a slider selector, and finally "Save Action" , which is your put-away key. But there's nowhere to DEFINE the action you want to take!
What am I missing here?
RE: Physical Label for buttons
@nic-b - My 4-pack came with a "surround" label...not sure about the aesthetics, but could be useful.