Nice. I already got it up and running with a couple of custom volume controls. I use it in my home studio (remote controlling input/output volume on Universal Audio gear, controlling playback and recording when tracking vocals and drums etc), and one for my home surround system as well.
Can you PLEASE update the existing Spotify Connect "provider"/service to also include the volume (up, down, mute) endpoints as well as the existing ones?
It would require next to no time and effort for you to configure, but it would probably make a world of difference for a lot of the "average" end users of your products.
Think about it…the access token/authentication mechanisms are already there, the Spotify volume endpoints have been up and ready to serve since long before the dinosaurs, and it wouldn't require anything out of the ordinary to add it to your already working Spotify service provider.
Don't get me wrong. The Hub SDK is really great now with the latest updates. I enjoy and love that level of flexibility and all the customization goodies, but it's clearly not for everyone - as the learning curve can be somewhat steep and in my opinion it's a total overkill if you have no prior programming skills or interest, but still want to make use of your Flic hub, Twist, Flic 2 button, Duo or whatever. Yay or nay? Oh and btw, great work. I don't just say that
(And please fix the Flic 2 Universal MIDI functionality, as it's useless at this point).